lördag 31 januari 2009

Level Sync, Do you need it?

This is what you see in linkshells every damn day. And everywhere else too for that matter.

Lv 69 player making level sync party in qufim Island.



Why would anyone want to level sync down, and then they have to go back later to skillup on their weapons, skillups they would have gotten for free if they just made a damn party their own lv.

This is why.

"Can I has PL?"


Let's find 5 people at lv 50-70 and 1 person who is lv 20. Then we all level sync down to lv 20 and have a friend PL us in Qufim Island.

Let's also hope that this lv 20 person is new to the game, and lv 20 is his highest job. That way we can all make fun of him and yell "Fu**ing n00b" at him.

Yeah. that's gonna make him feel good about himself, and really enjoy the game.

It's funny though.

The people that sync down to lv 20 are the real n00bs. What's gonna happen when they finally get an invite their own lv?

Take a guess.


If you guessed that they are gonna be uber because of their high lv job, then you're wrong.

Have you ever seen a lv 70 samurai with the great katana skill of a lv 55 samurai trying to actually hit a lv 74 monster?

It's funny. As long as you're not in that party, it's really funny.

Guess that samurai is gonna have to go on a skill up party.

That's what you get for level syncing for fast exp. Timesaver ain't it? Only now, you have to spend atleast as many hours as you have spent in a level sync part, in a skillup party.


Stay gimped.

fredag 30 januari 2009


I've been playing this game for about 4 years now, and its a great game, it really is.

I just wish the players were as great as the game.

Like yesterday, I had my day all planned. Log on and level my job. Simple enough?

Only some people don't agree to my plans on what I'm going to do.

I had been logged in for about 5 minutes, geared up my job and was ready to get a few levels. because that was my plan.

My plan.

Lsmember>> Zan! Can you help me get my summoner AF?

I'm a good guy, in general. Not very patient with people, but generally a good guy. So doing some calculations in my head. Usually when I do my own AF it takes me maybe 1.5-2 hours. So I figure, I guess I can help out, it won't take long and then I can go on with my plan.

Zan>> Ok, I'll help you out. Let me change job.
Lsmember>> Thanks Zan, you're the best.

Yeah, I know. I get that alot.

Aparently you need 4-6 people for coffer key hunting. I didn't know that. I thought that 1 lv 75 thief with treasure hunter 4 was enough.

I was wrong.

Not only do you need almost a full party just to kill easy prey monsters for a key. You also need them all to be together at all time. It's not like the person that needs the key and the lv 75 thief can go ahead.


Everyone have to wait for everyone else to do this or do that.

I hate waiting.

Did I mention that I'm not very patient with people?

So yeah. 4.5 hours, 3 coffer keys, and 3 NM fights later. We are done.


This one person who doesnt need this AF have to log off and go to work. Ofcourse the rest of us will go on and do the final fight and get it all over with. Makes sense?


Aparently we wait til next day.

Probably just to screw up the plans I have for tomorrow as well.

Did I mention I hate waiting?

torsdag 29 januari 2009

The beginning

Hi I'm Zan....

Never mind that.

Hi there....


Ok, well. I never said I was an experienced blogger did I?

But I will try, a day. Maybe two. We'll see.

I spend alot of my time in a game called Final Fantasy XI. Ever heard of that?

It's like WoW.

Actually, it's nothing like WoW. This game is actually good.

Thought is that I'll write about things that happens on the server I'm on in this game.

I might add some personal stuff every now and then too. Maybe.

So, this is day 1.

And since it's currently 3 a.m in the morning, my brain isn't working as it's supposed to.

That doesn't nessesarely mean it'll work as it's supposed to tomorrow around 3 p.m either.

But, I figure this.

Day 1: Create blog.

Day 2: Write in blog.

Day 3: Give up on blog.

Yeah, I know. I plan ahead alot, don't I?

So, I'll be back tomorrow with phase 2, write in blog.