fredag 10 april 2009

RMT's gone wild: Hacked edition!

Not only have the world gone crazy with young women that seriously considering selling their bodies for fake money. Real Money Traders have gone crazy too.

Real Money Traders, or as we say RMT's. They make gil in game and the sell the gil for real money, thats kind of the whole point, the "Real Money Traders" kinda hints of that.

Sometimes they do honest(?) work in game to earn their gil that they sell, sometimes players sell their gil to them for real money, which they turn around and sell for double the price they paid for it.

Sometimes they hack accounts.

Now I'm not blaming RMT's for every hacked account out there, I honestly believe that most accounts that have been "hacked" is pure stupidity. People who gave their log in info to someone else, like an in game girlfriend or boyfriend.

What vitrual boyfriend/girlfriend would ever betray someone they have never met and will never meet anyway?

All that always happen to other people, I read about it every day, I read it and I smile, thinking to myself "You probably got what you deserved".

Today was different though, today it happen to me.

Well, not exactly me, but it happen to my wife.

I know that there's only me and her that have her account info, and obviously I wouldn't have to hack her account. So, her account got hacked.

This is what you usually read when you read someones account have been hacked.

"OMG my account got hacked, they stole everything and moved my character to another server"

Or something like that.

Now, this is what happen to my wife.

She logs in on Playonline.

Isa>> Zan, I cant log on to my character.
Zan>> Why? You get any error message?
Isa>> No...It's just not there anymore.
Isa>> Have you...deleted my characters?
Zan>> Wha...ofcourse not.

Well, you get my point, im not gonna go deeper in to that conversation. It had yelling in it, and more yelling.

The point is, whoever decided to hack her account, did not change the password, they did not steal all her stuff, they did not move her to another server.

What they did do was delete her main character, and her mule.

Now who would do that? Seriously...

Who the hell would go through all the trouble, (I assume hacking is troublesome, it involves codes and stuff) just to delete 2 characters?


I dont know!

Does it make sense to you?

RMT1>> Yeah, you know I hacked this account earlier. I'm like really good at that.
RMT2>> Oh nice, any good stuff to sell? Lots of gil and stuff on it?
RMT1>> I dunno, I never checked. I just deleted the characters.
RMT1>> Man, I'd like to see the face of the owner of that account when they try to log on.
RMT1>> See, they try to log in, but their character isn't there. It's hillarius!
RMT2>> I'm gonna tell our boss about you....

So anyway, my wife used another account and made a GM call. She explained the situation that her characters had been deleted by someone who wasnt her. She explained that she was not happy, she may or may not have threaten to hunt him down in real life.

15 minutes later she gets an email with a new password for playonline, she use it to log on to her account, and there they are.

Her characters! Right there, as if nothing ever happen. Nothing missing or anything, the characters where exactly where she left them.

It confuses the crap out of me.


Maybe ordering that secyrity token isn't such a bad idea after all....


Maybe it was Square Enix deleting her characters because she had'nt ordered a security token?

SEemployee>> Haha, now let me show you how much you need a security token.

torsdag 9 april 2009

The world has gone crazy.....again!

So, I'm reading on one of the FFXI forums again today. I've missed out on a few days, but you know, what can happen in a few days on a forum anyway? Not much.


I see a topic that I just have to investigate more, here's the name of that topic.

Sex for Gil. Viable business model?

What the.... For real?

So I open up the thread thinking this must be some kind of sick joke or something. Below is an actual quote from the post itself.

"I'm trying to develop a profitable business model that allows me to have sex for gil (or possibly Alexandrite). I've ran this by my girl and she's fine with it as long as I ain't a skank about it.

Does anyone have any experience in any form of prostitution on a national scale? I was thinking craigslist but I don't think I'll reach my target audience and I have absolutely no interest in getting *real* money and then buying gil. RMT is just bad, and I don't support it.

Also, does anyone think there may be any negative issues with the community for doing something like this? One of my fears is it will be viewed as RMT when there's actually no real money ever involved.

Any ideas regarding pricing, travel expenses, etiquette and protocol for conducting the transaction itself would be much appreciated. I'd also like to get some tips on minimizing costs, such as transferring my earnings to my own server. Though, I think I'll have to change to a less populated server because Odin's closed.


Ok, so far this can still be a joke, almost. If the OP later on says "Ha! Got you guys! Just kidding, I just wanted to hear the reaction you all got", maybe if it was posted on april 1st it could have passed as some sick april fools joke or something.


The OP keeps defending this, and for your information she makes it very clear that she doesnt mean some sort of cyber sex.

Another quote:

"I was thinking of something around 5-20 million for actual sex. Depending on the extent of the service. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do too much for less than 5 million.

The 20 million or more price tag would be if my girl was involved. I can be a pretty jealous person, but enough gil could make me forget about all of that.

I wonder if I could work out a gil per minute thing on the webcam."

Whats wrong with this person? For real? Isn't it bad enough that people do this for REAL money?

Whats next?

"Want to sell: Kidney.

I'm a bit low on gil atm, and there's a few things I really need in game. Especially now after the new gobbiebags have been released. So, I'm looking to sell my kidney, I'm thinking that 50 million gil is a reasonable price. I'm no drinker or anything so the kidney is just fine, my blood type is type O positive, I'm only 21 years old so its as good as new.

P.S I accept dynamis currency as payment. PM me for more info"


"Want to sell: Baby.

So its time for me to finally get my relic sword. Because I'm lazy and wont farm or start my own dyna ls I am now selling my baby. She's 8 months old, white. Call now and I'll throw in the baby clothes and a cradle."

Good god! I think I'm getting sick....

This thread went on for 12 pages.

Twelve pages!

Before some smart admin decided to close it.

Makes you think twice about having a baby? 20 years from now your daughter will be selling her REAL body for FICTIONARY money...

söndag 5 april 2009

Whats wrong with people?

Now a couple of times on one of my favourite FFXI forums I've seen posts about people that got hurt or died in real life.

I don't get it.

Who gave you the right to put this persons personal life out there on the internet? Someones personal medical state. This or that guy is in a coma because of this or that.


"Send PM to me about how you feel about this"


Is it just me?

about 99.99% of the people that reads this forum does not know this guy in real life, why share the personal stuff about him/her with them?

Maybe I'm weird, but if I got really ill and ended up in the hospital, I'd like my loved ones next to me, I would not want me personal medical condition to be discussed on a public forum. If I wanted to tell anyone in game about it, I would do so myself. Infact, I'd be rather pissed off if someone shared my personal stuff with a bunch of people I dont know and dont wanna know in real life.

Oh, you have no one close to you, no one to come visit you? It's ok, because a bunch of people on the internet is talking about you. Feel better now?

Didn't think so.

Got hit by an STD last saturday?

No worries, everyone in game knows about it.

Atleast now they know who not to have virtual sex with in game.

Is there something wrong with keeping the real life and the game separated? Or atleast leave it up the the person it concerns and their family to decide if it's something they wanna share with the whole world.

måndag 30 mars 2009

Ok I get it

So, incase that anyone didn't noticed I have been leveling Black Mage for awhile. To be more specific to level 66. During these 66 levels, I have had maybe 3 parties, the rest I have been soloing.

Pets, as I have said before.

Many times during my killings of bunnies I have asked myself, why dont Black Mages get invites to parties?

Now, I may not have the answer for that. What I did find out the hard way is why there is so few Black Mage parties.

The other day I got an invite to a Black Mage party, and now it seems like a good idea to solo. Now I dont ask alot of people, I dont ask that they have the very best, or the very most expensive gear. I dont have that myself.

What I do expect of people is that they have the very basix gear for their job, and now the basics about how to play their job.

I dont expect to get an invite to a Black Mage party, and be the only one who knows what I'm doing.

3 of 4 did not have elemental staffs, not even the non high qualtiy ones. Can you guess who the 4th was?

Yeah, me.

Another thing I dont expect is to get invited to a Black Mage party with a bunch of Black Mage's that have no clue about how timed nuking works.

If you are a Black Mage over level 50, you do have elemental staffs, and you do know what time nuking is. If not, change job.

For those of you that havent lv Black Mage, time nuking is when 1 party member decide a certain time when all the Black Mage's are supposed to start casting their spell. This is so that all the spells hit the monster at the same time and die before it gets the chance of killing someone.

You dont have a time carre that acts like this.

Guy>> 53
Guy>> i mean 13
Guy>>I meant 03 haha!
Guy>> Oh no cancel..
Guy>> Nevermind, dont cancel.
Guy>> Why the hell did you guys cancel!?

You dont have to be a Black Mage to see whats wrong with that. After awhile with this guy calling times like that, some people decided it was better to just cast whenever. Oh, and the time calling guy refused to let anyone else call the time as well.

Ok so I got it! Solo....

I'd rather get killed by a bunny because I did something stupid than get killed by an overgrown worm beause 5 other people are stupid. Atleast when the bunny kill me I have no one to blame but myself....

...And maybe the goblin who owns the bunny.

onsdag 25 mars 2009

Leave me alone

Some people have made the misstake to think I'm a good guy, a nice guy. They got it all wrong.

Yesterday when I logged on to the game I was already in a bad mood because issues that has nothing to do with the game.

I do have a life out of the game, really I do.

Just because I don't share my private life with everyone in a game doesnt mean I dont have one.

So, yesterday.

I had been logged in for a whole 10 seconds when I get a tell from this guy, granted I kind of know this guy. Not like we're best friends or anything, but I know who he is, in game.

Guy>> I need your help in 40 min.
Zan>>...what do you need?
Guy>> I need your help to kill King Vinegarroon.
Zan>> Oh, so you want us to duo him then?
Guy>> Umm, no...It takes 18 people to kill him....
Zan>> My point exactly, what do you need me for?
Guy>> Well, come as Bard.
Zan>> ...
Zan>> You are in a HNMLS, those guys do that kinda stuff every day...
Guy>> Last time we killed him I was the only Bard.
Guy>> Come Bard, see you in 40 minutes. AFK til then.

Now maybe I missed something somewhere, but I'm pretty sure the conversation above did not include me saying "Sure I'll be there, there is nothing I'd rather do than spend hours and hours camping an NM from which I gain nothing from killing!"

The people who are in a HNMLS either enjoy one or both of these things.

1. Staring at their screen for several hours waiting on an NM to spawn out of nowhere.

2. Getting whatever gear the forementioned NM drops.

This usually means that even if they dont really enjoy the first option, they still think its worth it because of the second option.

I however would not mind getting whatever gear that might drop from HNM's, however I dont think the gear is worth the time and effort put into it. If I did, I'd join a HNMLS.

Makes sense?

So, if I'm not prepared to spend countless of hours to get that gear for myself, why would I spend countless hours in getting it for someone else?

Besides, this guy is a part of a HNMLS, if I somehow forgot to mention that before. If they can't come up with enough people on the right type of jobs to kill HNM's, then maybe they should reconsider killing those type of monsters, and NOT trying to have people outside their linkshell to come and help them (i.e me).

The very first day I feel the urge to waste my time staring at the screen for hours, waiting on an NM to spawn along with 5-7 other linkshells that are all trying to claim it before you do, I'll let you know. seriously, you'd be the first one to know. I promise.

Until that day, please leave me out of your HNM stuff.

fredag 20 mars 2009

Player warning!

One of the FFXI forums I follow daily has gone mad lately. Every second post people makes starts with: Player warning !

Ok, some of the warnings is about this or that guy stealing this or that item, but to be fair, most of the people that got their stuff stolen have no one else but themselves to blame.

Oh, you traded this guy 5 million gil and he promised you to get you this or that weapon but never showed up? Player warning!

If you're stupid enough to give someone gil for something they have yet to give you, guess who's fault that is?


Although it seems like alot of the player warnings are about people that dont play the game the way others expect them to, or dont have the gear others expect of them.

Some quotes:

"This guy is the biggest crybaby on Quetz! By far one of the biggest cry babies I've ever seen on a game. This guy can't have a personal conversation with somebody, he has to go as far as saying everything in /say. He's an attention and thrives on drama! He'll pay outrageous amounts for cheap crafting items, yet cry's when you try to bazaar something he wants that's 10k over the AH price.

When you see this guy just give him a good /slap."

You all got warned by this guy now? He must be a terrible person. OMG He's talking in /say! How dare he! Warning!

"Player is 75 thf.
Camping V.Bow he comes talking crap to me.
I have 2 friends with me, we comment back, he then thinks he sees fit to /shout noob repeatedly for 5min.

No one was in the zone but us, but still, thats un called for."

What a scum! I hope someone called a GM on him and that he got perma banned. Shouting noob in an empty zone? Atleast shout somewhere where lots of people can hear it, like Whitegate. Warning!

"Vanna, he/she will take a SS of your SS if you use Windower or anything else "third party". She is mailing them to SE Special task force. So beware even though I don't think you will get banned for Windower since it does nothing bad like "Speed hacks" or stuff that."

Wow, here is someone trying to report you for doing something that is agains ToS, bad person! Very very bad person! Warning!

"Majjick, Fatalis, and Kennn overcamp parties and convince others to join them saying 'we were here first'. I was first invited to one of Fatalis's overcamp parties and Fatalis said 'the other party is about to leave', I asked the party and they said no, they had no intention to leave. Then Fatalis said his group was there first and the other party was overcamping him. I didn't want to be a part of the drama, so I left Fatalis' party. A week later I am at the pudding camp with a full party for 4 hours, then Fatalis, Majjick, and Kennn (all same LS) arrived and began overcamping us on purpose. These are sad sad souls that make the world a more stressful and conflict-filled place, please avoid them and don't support their disrespect."

He took my toy! I had it first! mommy tell him!

I could go on posting these quotes all day, but I think you get the point by now. What do these people expect other people to do about these warnings? So, you had a bad experience with this person? Well maybe you are the only one who had bad experience with him/her. All these warnings seems like nothing more than childish whining to me. Guess what? Use /blacklist add name. Stay away from whoever annoys you, the world dont care if someone called you noob in an empty zone.

Player warning: Zan

"He is making fun of my player warnings on his blog" Warning!!!!

söndag 15 mars 2009

More missions

Some weeks ago I made a post about missions. This is a quote from that post, about the Chains Of Promathia missions.

"I know I need it, and that I should do them. But seriously. I've been trying to get them going for a long time now. For some reason the groups I get together is always totally useless."

Now this quote is very true, but the past few days I've learned something new.

I know hard to believe huh? Me learning, I bet you thought I already knew everything.

I learned that missions that are impossible to do with most people, actually is really simple if you just join up with people that actually know what they are doing, and know the very basics in playing the game.

A couple of days ago I joined this group of people that had "lost" their main characters.

Dont ask about that, it's really non of my business what people do with their chars.

So these people had already done these missions on another sets of characters way back when. this means.

1. I didn't have to hold their hands and walk them through everything.

2. The knew what they were supposed to do and how to do it.

3. There were no 3 hour drama before each mission and waiting another 3 hours for some guy that didn't pay enough attention to get this or that cutscene or this or that item.

It was more like this.

1. Let's do this mission.

2. Do the mission.

3. Mission done.

See? See how simple it can be if people just put a little efford in to things? Granted that I did missions for 15 hours yesterday, but during those 15 hours I got done what I havent been able to get done in over 4 years with 20+ different groups. So 15 hours straight with 1 great group, or 4+ years with lots a bad groups. Guess which wins from my point of view?

If the people in my previous 20+ groups had just listened to me when I told them that they should come prepared, read up on the missions, and all that this would have been done long ago.

But it seems that 95% of the people in this game just cant listen, and/or expect you to do just about everything for them. Wouldn't surprise me if someone would actually give me their account info if I told them I'd get the missions done for them.

Oh, people do that? Thats why they get their accounts stolen?

I never knew that. To actually pay x $ per month to play a game, then give out the account info to someone because they are too lazy to do things themselves, then get their accounts stolen and finally post on every FFXI forum on the internet that their account got "hacked".

Yeah that makes sense to me.

Guess what.

Using the valid log in info that were given to you by the owner of the account is not hacking. If it was, I'd be hacking my own account every day.

torsdag 12 mars 2009


Have you ever heard about Quake?

No, not the ancient game Quake, the Ancient Magic Quake.

Incase you haven't, its a powerfull spell you get once your Black Mage have reached level 54. It makes the pet killing I've been talking about before alot easier. This spell is so powerfull that just this one is enough to kill the pet. Nothing else is needed.

One of the other nice things about it is the time it takes to cast it. You can start casting the spell, walk away from your computer, make a couple of sandwiches, make some coffee then come back to the computer and eat your sandwiches while watching the spell kill the pet.

Then you rest for mp, because this spell takes alot of mp to cast. When you have sufficiant mp, start casting the spell, go vacuum your house, then come back to watch the pet get killed.

Rest mp.

Start cast the spell, jump in the car, go grocery shopping, come back home just in time to see the spell kill the pet.

Great isn't it?

Since I got that spell I get alot of work done that I usually dont get done. My Black Mage pretty much level itself now, I just have to show up every now and then to cast the spell.

Now all I have to do is invent something that will cast the spell for me. I could place my Black Mage somewhere, go away on vacation and come back to a Black Mage 75.

I'm starting to see why Black Mages hardly ever get parties. They're all away on vacation while leveling.

onsdag 11 mars 2009


After reaching a certain level or spending a certain amount of time in game, you can visit an NPC and join the Mentor program. It will show an "M" next to your name so that players that see you know that you are a mentor.

Beeing a mentor in general means that you are awsome at the game and know every little advanced trick there is to it, you also know almost every single mission and quest from the back of your head. You are obligated to help anyone who asks for your help with anything they want, pretty much you drop everything you are doing to rush to their aid. And because you are so nice you are doing it all for free.

Do you recognize sarcasm when you see it?


Well, to become a mentor you have to have a job at lv 30, or have spent 180 hours in game. When I was lv 30 (I know, it sounds like your grandpa is saying "when I was young...") on my first job, I cant say that I really knew anything about the game. I knew how to hit on things with a sword/axe/dagger. I knew if you see a goblin run, run at the opposite direction. And thats about it.

This is a quote that the NPC lets you know about the mentor system when you sign up for it.

"Mentors are experienced adventurers who have registered with the Adventurers' Mutual Aid Network (A.M.A.N.), a non-governmental Organization founded by adventurers and merchants"

Ok, maybe its not an exact quote, but its something I found that explains the mentor system.

Now, what I use Mentor for, is because I wanna hide my Bazaar icon. Because I dont want ppl to check my Bazaar. There's nothing to see, I have a Faerie Apple in my Bazaar. for 99.999.999 Gil. If you wanna buy it go ahead, im not gonna stop you. If not, leave my bazaar alone.

Dont force me to put mentor up and get 50 random tell from ppl every day asking me to do this or that for them, and then get mad at me because I don't have time.

I know this post made very little if any sense.

Bottom line is, just because you are mentor you are not obligated to do anything for anyone. Ask me a question and I'll answer, ask me to camp and NM for you and I'll ask you to go drown yourself in the little pond in Jugner forest.

lördag 7 mars 2009

Dinosaur wannabe

Ok, so I'm still leveling my Black Mage. Still soloing it. Past couple of days I have been at a camp that I have previously been on with my Red Mage.

I know that this is a good camp, I know there is only a goblin or 2 that aggro right at camp.

I know all these things and...still...

All of a sudden 2 Dinosaur wannabe's started to roam at my camp... MY camp.

First I thought I'd just ignore them and hope they'll eventually go away, so I was pulling my monsters around them for awhile.

But just seeing them there, knowing they arent supposed to be there just annoyed the crap out of me.

So, I figure if I sleep one and log out, it should despawn and be gone when i log back in, and when it respawn it will respawn where its supposed to be and not on my camp.



I sleep it and log out, when I log back on it's still there, as if nothing had ever happen. So I come up with this new plan.

Maybe I have to actually cause damage on it before I sleep it and log out in order for it to despawn.

So I cast some low spell on it just to make some damage, then I sleep it and log out.


I wish, still there when I log back in.

Third plan goes like this. Aggro the bastard and run it away from its spawning area, then sleep it and log out.

Well, there's only so far you can run as a Black Mage beeing chased by some sort of mini dinosaur. I did manage to bring it what I thought should be far enough from the camp and sleep it. Logging out.

Logging back in....

Goblin Bandit hits Zan for 256 points of damage.
Goblin Bandit hits Zan for 283 points of damage.
Goblin Bandit scores a critical hit, Zan takes 347 points of damage.
Zan was defeated by the Goblin Bandit.

Where the heck did he come from!?

He sure as %&@! wasn't there when I logged out, I'm sure I would have noticed that.


Logging for tonight.

tisdag 3 mars 2009

Zan goes Kaboom!

So, I have tried leveling Red Mage. Red Mage = Refresh, Haste, Refresh, Haste, Refresh....

Well you get it.

I also have tried the White Mage thingy. It goes like this, Cure, Cure, Cure, Cure, Cure, protect, Cure....

Now I have moved on to Black Mage. Wow, what a differens!

You get to actually kill stuff. And because Black Mages rarely get any party invites you also get to solo alot, kinda like getting to know yourself better and all that. Just you in the middle of a desert.

In game there is monsters that have the job as beastmasters, these monsters are having pets. Now here is the fun part.

You see this goblin walking around minding his own business, not botherning anyone, and guess what.

He got a pet!

A small furry little cute rabbit pet is following him around.

Thats where I come in!

You know how good it feels to kill something that small and defenseless? And yet get a huge amount of experience points from it?

It's great!

Best part is the goblin doesnt even notice that his pet is gone, he just keeps minding his own business til after awhile he summons a new pet.

That I kill.

You know your neighbours loud and annoying poodle? Imagine how it would feel to just be able to Kaboom! And it's gone. And your neighbour wouldn't even notice it's gone.

Wouldn't that be awsome?

No, I'm not going to sneak up on innocent people who are out walking their dogs.

It's illegal. I think.

Maybe not. I dont think there's actually a law stating its prohibited to cast Aero II on someones dog....


I like Black Mage!

måndag 23 februari 2009

Game Ethics

Yeah I know, I've heard it before.

Who are you to tell me how to play my game!?

But honestly, some things should just be obvious. Atleast for anyone that has somewhat sense in their heads. Granted there isn't alot of people in this game that has any sense at all it seems.

If you decide to look for party, it usually means that you want to lv whichever job you are looking for party at. makes sense to me.

It also makes sense to me that when you put your party flag up, you are ready to go and party when you do get an invite.

This morning I made a party, since I was a Red Mage it made sense to me to start with looking for a tank. So I find this Paladin looking for party, ask him if he wanna join and he accept.

Note, he is the first of 5 people I invite. This is important and will make sense soon.

First when I have finally found people enough for a full party this paladin says he needs to go to sandy and put his gear on...

Because obviously the 20 min it took for me to get everyone else together, was not a good time for him to get dressed.

Maybe it was a her...Women are usually like that.

Man>> Honey, are you ready? We are already 20 minutes late.
Woman>> Just a sec, I have to get dressed, put on make-up, clean the kitchen, do the dishes and 50 other things.
Man>> But but, you have gotten dressed and been putting on make-up the for the past 3 hours...

So, well, anyway. He has to go to sandy and get dressed. This takes him (her?) about 20 minutes. By the time he gets back to whitegate, everyone else is already at camp waiting for him.

Shouldn't take him that long to get to camp though, would it?


Now he have to go to jeuno and recharge his empress band. Because obviously he couldn't do that while he was in sandy...

And while in jeuno, he decides he might as well browse through the auction house as well.

All this while 5 people are standing at camp waiting for him.

15 minutes later he is finally on his way back to whitegate. And while on his way to camp this is what he says.

Paladin>> Oh, btw guys, 1 hour from now I have to go AFK for about 45 minutes.

So in his opinion, we have already waited for him for like 45 min ad he isn't even at camp yet. Then he want us to actually stand around waiting for him for another 45 minutes shortly after he gets to camp.

Why did this guy even bother to look for party in the first place? Wouldn't it have been a bit smarter to first gear up his paladin, fix his empress band, browse through auction house, and then IF he has time, put his party flag up?

He finally shows up at camp, and we're getting very great exp. after about 10 monsters or so the exp rings already wore off. What happens then?

Paladin d/c...

Now, he might have a bad internet connection. And maybe it just happen to disconnect him right after we killed the monster that made our exp rings wear off.

I dont believe that though...

So this party I made, spent about 50 minutes waiting on this paladin, fought 10 monsters and then was forced to disband the party since there were no other tanks available.

This in my opinion goes against the unwritten laws of game ethics.

I'm not saying any names here.....Ajnix....


Now, I could go on about people that have to use the bathroom for 45 minutes during parties, or people that gets hit in the head with a sledge hammer and get extremely sleepy within 1 minute, so much that they didn't even see it coming and could ask the party leader to find a replacement for them.

(I'm sleepy) (Good bye.)


lördag 21 februari 2009

Linkshell Rules

Most linkshells have rules. It usually say "These rules have to be followed by everyone!"

Few linkshells I have ever seen apply them rules though.

Here is some of the rules from my social linkshell.

1. Be kind to each other. Self explanatory
First rule, and therefor the first rule to be broken. Even if everyone isn't treating each other as crap, no one is really putting an efford to actually beeing nice to each other either.

2. Respect each other No making fun of, putting down or singling out of any individual will be allowed.
Now here'a another good one. The thought behind this rule is good. Yet there are more then a few people in this linkshell that just love to put other people down because they dont have high enough jobs, not this or that gear, not this or that mission done, or just because the love to try and make other people feel bad for one reason or another.

3. No drama will be tolerated period. Zero tolerance policy. If a issue should ever present itself bring it directly to a leader in /tell format only.
Well, obviously by breaking the first 2 rules this is pretty much broken as well, isn't it?

4. Please make sure that we help each other out if possible, and make sure we keep our promises. This will help make this LS a better place and fun Linkshell for a long time!!!
What this rule really means is "If certain people in the linkshell ask for help, help them! If you are not one of the certain members, dont expect any help from anyone" Honetly, yes. One guy wanted help with KSNM for a rare/ex Katana, he had people lining up to help him. Another person wanted help with rare/ex H2H weapons, and not a single one offer to help. Yet another person (me) asked for a WHM to help with a BCNM, I ended up having to actually PAY a linkshell member 100.000 gil to help me.

5. Hopefully this wont happen but if you are put on probation or are terminated, in order to get back in, DV and if possible the rest of the council must vote you back in. No other person has that right but DV and the Council of BlueCarbies, Inc.
This rule is totally unnessesary, since no one is getting kicked for breaking the rules above, I doubt anyone will ever get kicked.

6. Lastly, have fun and just play the game, and remember this is JUST A GAME, not real life situations, if thats the case i want my armor and weapons so that i can buy me a new House in the Real World ^^
Ok, i get the "have fun" part, and the "just a game" part. The rest I have no idea about, and how can you even make a rule that says "Have fun!". You'll kick me because I'm not having fun?

All this just makes me wonder, why even bother to set up rules if you dont make sure that the they are beeing followed? Just because it looks better and more organized to have rules?

Or maybe, if someone should actually make sure the rules were followed, they'll lose the greater part of their members?

fredag 20 februari 2009

Some people amaze me

It's common knowledge that human nature is to make things as easy as possible for yourself. It's also human nature to never learn from your misstakes.

Just watch Simpsons or Family Guy and you'll know what I mean.

I never did realize though that's it human nature to wanna do everything twice, and then claim it's faster that way.

Ever heard of Astral Flow burn party?

I hadn't til yesterday when I read about it on one of the FFXI forums I visit every day.

This is basically how it works.

Gather together 4+ summoners 1 level sync target lv 15ish or whichever area you plan on doing this in. Have your lv 75 friend aggro the whole area and bring all them monsters to the waiting summoners. Have all the summoners use their 2 hour ability Astral Flow. Murder the monsters.

Now, I have never tried this myself, but from what I read they get up to 40.000 exp each from doing this. That's 40.000 exp in 5 min.

Kick the level sync target and find another one at lv 15. Pay a corsair to reset your 2 hour ability, or if Besieged is going on warp there and use Revitalizer.




Repeat..................zzz X.x

Yes, it's true. People do this. No, it's not a violation of ToS. Yes, some people get a job to lv 75 in 2-3 days doing this all the time.

They're awesome!

I envy them, I really do.


Did any of these people ever even think about how long it will take them to skill up their magic/weapon or what ever?

SuperGimpedGuy>> Yay! I lv to lv 75 in 3 days!
SuperGimpedGuy2>> I know! We are so awesome! Now let's spend 2 months skilling up our gimped skills!

Honestly, is it really worth it? I know I have argued against level sync before. But you know, a guy that have spent lv 20-75 in Qufim with a PL all the time would count as an Elitist compared to these guys.

Some people probably think I'm jealuos.

I'm not.

If I wanted to do this, I would have done this. I'm not doing this.

I won't...ever.

I honestly coudn't care less about how peopl get their jobs to 75 or how fast they do it, or how many jobs they have at 75 for that matter. Things like level sync, campaign battle and now AF burn have taken away every single bit of achievement there ever was to having x 75 jobs.

Oh, you have all the jobs there is at lv 75?

Not impressed.

That doesnt say crap about how well you can actually play them. For all I know, you have never been outside Valkurm Dunes.

Would I want you to be in the same end game ls as me? Not really.

fredag 13 februari 2009

Elitist wannabe

I've seen this over and over during the years I've played this game, and it annoys the crap out of me.

Guy gets his first job to 75. This means that he is the only person in the game that have achieved something great like that, and because of this he knows everything there is to know about the game and all the jobs.

He's just that awsome, isn't he?


Not really.

And the things he does in order to make himself feel even better. Put other people down.

Isn't that great? Isn't that what this game is all about?

I'm all that and you're nothing but garbage.

Lately I've seen things like this in the linkshell I'm in, a linkshell where people are supposed to be helpful and supportive to each other.

Guy>> Yay! I finally got my Opo-opo Crown!
WannabeElitst>> ...It's totally useless...
Guy>> :(

What's the point in doing something like that? Maybe it's not the best gear in the game, but that's not the point here. The point is that it's a reward from a somewhat long and annoying quest. This guy probably spent a week doing this quest, and he was happy to finally get it done. To him it was an achievement. To him it felt good to be able to say "Hey, I did this quest, and I got this item as a reward", until the totally uncalled for comment "...It's totally useless..."

Guy>> I've been saving up for Sha'ir Manteel, I only need 1 more million.
WannabeElitist>> It's useless, it doesnt take that long to sing a song anyway.

Now here is where I had enough, and decided to put my 2 cents in. for those who don't know, Sha'ir Manteel is every bards dream. And I have bard at 75.

Zan>> Do you have bard at 75?
WannabeElitist>> No...But I've been in parties with bards.
Zan>> Go and level bard to 75 and then tell me it's useless.
WannabeElitist>> I don't have to, because I'm just that awsome. I have Red mage 75, I know everything.
Zan>> You think maybe there's a reason why 90% of all bards at 75 have either Sha'ir Mateel or Yigit Gomlek?

At this point "WannabeElitist" stopped responding.

But really. What does he base the opinion on, that this or that gear is useless for a job that he haven't even level himself? Or is he just afraid that when this Guy finally get the Sha'ir Manteeel, he is gonna look more elitist than the WannabeElitist himself?

Are you a WannabeElitist?

Guess what.

I'm not impressed by you, at all.

I'm not.

tisdag 10 februari 2009

Mission Impossible

A couple of days ago I figured that I should probably work on some of the missions in game. I've done all the rank missions in windy and all but the last one in sandy. There's an actual reason behind why I only have 1 mission to go in sandy.

Don't ask about that.

I made up my mind to be constructive for once. What do I need? Sandy 9-2? Forget that. Don't ask why. Bastok missions 1-10? I don't think so, I hate Bastok. It's probably the place in game where I've spend the least amount of time at. I'm even trying to avoid Dynamis-Bastok. I hate it.

I'm pretty much done with the Zilart mission. Maybe Chains of Promathia?

Yeah right.

I know I need it, and that I should do them. But seriously. I've been trying to get them going for a long time now. For some reason the groups I get together is always totally useless. It's usuallt something like this.

Zan>> Everyone remember to bring this superimportant item that we all are going to need to be able to finish the mission tomorrow. Ok?
Guy1>> What was that again?
Zan>> You know, that superimportnant thing that is right there at the auction house, the one that is so easy to get.
Guy2>> Oh, that one. Sure np.
Zan>> So everyone please bring it, ok?
Guy1>> Sure, I'll go and get one right away.

The following day. After we have done several hard stuff to get where we are supposed to be, with people dying everywhere along the way because they don't listen to what you tell them. When you finally arrive to where you are going to fight this big bad monster that everyone has to have this superimportant item in order to win the fight.

This happens.

Zan>> Ok, everyone know what to do, and everyone have their superimportant items ready?
Guy1>> Umm... I forgot mine.
Guy2>> I was gonna get one, but then my dog died so i forgot.
Guy3>> All of us needed the superimportant item?
Guy4>> I thought it was enough that you had one.
Zan>> Sigh...

After considering this and checking up on different missions I decided that the Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission would be the easier ones. Lots of cutscenes.


Except for the mission I was on was a fight. Can't be that bad though can it?


Everyone I talked to said it was a horrible fight, and for some reason everyone I knew had done the fight and was able to help was extremely "busy". So I ended up shouting for help.

4.5 hours later I had finally got together a party of 6 people to do this fight.

3 minutes and 28 sec later the fight was over.

Yeah, it was that hard...

I can't believe that you have to shout for help for over 4 hours for something that takes less than 5 min to do. Are people just that lazy? Or just beeing unwilling to help in general?

I hate missions...

onsdag 4 februari 2009


Everyone complains about RMT's. Even the Gilbuyers themselves.

RMT's extists for one reason alone. Take a guess.

If you guessed: So they can screw up everyone elses game. You're wrong.

They exist because you buy gil.


And there's alot of people who buys gil. Alot. See all the ads about buying gil/selling accounts on every FFXI related website/forum? You think they are free? Do you think there would exist a million different sites where you can buy gil/accounts if no one ever bought any?

Maybe if you stop buy gil they'll eventually go away?

This subject makes me so tired.

Don't buy gil. Just don't

tisdag 3 februari 2009

Virtual hospital

In every other party I'm in there's people complaining over different aches they've got. Comparing pain medicins with each other.

Is it doctors recommendation?

Patient>> I don't know what I have done, but my back hurts like hell.
Doctor>> Here, take these strong pain killers.
Patient>> Is there anything else I should think of?
Doctor>> well...there is a method that seems to work. But it's not approved yet...
Patient>> Please doctor, tell me. Anything to make the pain go away.
Doctor>> Playing Final Fantasy XI seems like a miracle cure for pain.
Patient>> Really? Ok!

This doctor by the way was hired by Square Enix.

Or, maybe it's like this. People spend way too much time sitting in front of their computer playing FFXI. And thats where they get their pain from. Then they get pills from the doctor, and they're unable to work because of the pain/pills, which gives them more time to just sit in front of their computer.


I don't know. And I don't care. Just spare me the talk about your physical condition. I'm not intrested.

Not. Intrested.

I'm sure there is 1 or 2 doctors playing this game as well.

I'm not one of them.

I couldn't care less about your pain and what medicines you are on. We're not friends, just because we are in one party together doesn't make us best friends.

måndag 2 februari 2009

Y u do dat?

Here's one thing that annoys me with the people that plays this game.

People can't write. I know it's a stupid thing to get annoyed at, but seriously.

Player1>> y u do dat?
Player2>> wut?
Player1>> u took my NM y?
Player2>> lawl

Just some examples that comes to my mind. It's not cool, it's not cute.


It makes you look like a 9 year old kid with spelling issues.

Most gamers I know of don't want to play with kids. If you're not a kid but give the impression that you are. We don't wan't to play with you.

I get the abbreviations part. They make sense. BRB, AFK, lol, lawl...


Maybe I'm just old or something, what the heck is lawl an abbreviation for?

Long Annoying Weird Loser?

I understand that lots of people in game don't have english as their main language. I don't have english as my main language, but I'm sure as hell know how to spell "you". And I'm not in such a hurry that I can't spend an extra 0.5 seconds and type 2 extra letters and not make myself look like an idiot.

Job application.

Dear vice president of this huge bank.

Can I has job as boss at ur bank? plz? I needz teh monez, and i r very gud.

Think he'll get the job?

He'll probably won't even be allowed to open an account at that bank.

lördag 31 januari 2009

Level Sync, Do you need it?

This is what you see in linkshells every damn day. And everywhere else too for that matter.

Lv 69 player making level sync party in qufim Island.



Why would anyone want to level sync down, and then they have to go back later to skillup on their weapons, skillups they would have gotten for free if they just made a damn party their own lv.

This is why.

"Can I has PL?"


Let's find 5 people at lv 50-70 and 1 person who is lv 20. Then we all level sync down to lv 20 and have a friend PL us in Qufim Island.

Let's also hope that this lv 20 person is new to the game, and lv 20 is his highest job. That way we can all make fun of him and yell "Fu**ing n00b" at him.

Yeah. that's gonna make him feel good about himself, and really enjoy the game.

It's funny though.

The people that sync down to lv 20 are the real n00bs. What's gonna happen when they finally get an invite their own lv?

Take a guess.


If you guessed that they are gonna be uber because of their high lv job, then you're wrong.

Have you ever seen a lv 70 samurai with the great katana skill of a lv 55 samurai trying to actually hit a lv 74 monster?

It's funny. As long as you're not in that party, it's really funny.

Guess that samurai is gonna have to go on a skill up party.

That's what you get for level syncing for fast exp. Timesaver ain't it? Only now, you have to spend atleast as many hours as you have spent in a level sync part, in a skillup party.


Stay gimped.

fredag 30 januari 2009


I've been playing this game for about 4 years now, and its a great game, it really is.

I just wish the players were as great as the game.

Like yesterday, I had my day all planned. Log on and level my job. Simple enough?

Only some people don't agree to my plans on what I'm going to do.

I had been logged in for about 5 minutes, geared up my job and was ready to get a few levels. because that was my plan.

My plan.

Lsmember>> Zan! Can you help me get my summoner AF?

I'm a good guy, in general. Not very patient with people, but generally a good guy. So doing some calculations in my head. Usually when I do my own AF it takes me maybe 1.5-2 hours. So I figure, I guess I can help out, it won't take long and then I can go on with my plan.

Zan>> Ok, I'll help you out. Let me change job.
Lsmember>> Thanks Zan, you're the best.

Yeah, I know. I get that alot.

Aparently you need 4-6 people for coffer key hunting. I didn't know that. I thought that 1 lv 75 thief with treasure hunter 4 was enough.

I was wrong.

Not only do you need almost a full party just to kill easy prey monsters for a key. You also need them all to be together at all time. It's not like the person that needs the key and the lv 75 thief can go ahead.


Everyone have to wait for everyone else to do this or do that.

I hate waiting.

Did I mention that I'm not very patient with people?

So yeah. 4.5 hours, 3 coffer keys, and 3 NM fights later. We are done.


This one person who doesnt need this AF have to log off and go to work. Ofcourse the rest of us will go on and do the final fight and get it all over with. Makes sense?


Aparently we wait til next day.

Probably just to screw up the plans I have for tomorrow as well.

Did I mention I hate waiting?

torsdag 29 januari 2009

The beginning

Hi I'm Zan....

Never mind that.

Hi there....


Ok, well. I never said I was an experienced blogger did I?

But I will try, a day. Maybe two. We'll see.

I spend alot of my time in a game called Final Fantasy XI. Ever heard of that?

It's like WoW.

Actually, it's nothing like WoW. This game is actually good.

Thought is that I'll write about things that happens on the server I'm on in this game.

I might add some personal stuff every now and then too. Maybe.

So, this is day 1.

And since it's currently 3 a.m in the morning, my brain isn't working as it's supposed to.

That doesn't nessesarely mean it'll work as it's supposed to tomorrow around 3 p.m either.

But, I figure this.

Day 1: Create blog.

Day 2: Write in blog.

Day 3: Give up on blog.

Yeah, I know. I plan ahead alot, don't I?

So, I'll be back tomorrow with phase 2, write in blog.