fredag 10 april 2009

RMT's gone wild: Hacked edition!

Not only have the world gone crazy with young women that seriously considering selling their bodies for fake money. Real Money Traders have gone crazy too.

Real Money Traders, or as we say RMT's. They make gil in game and the sell the gil for real money, thats kind of the whole point, the "Real Money Traders" kinda hints of that.

Sometimes they do honest(?) work in game to earn their gil that they sell, sometimes players sell their gil to them for real money, which they turn around and sell for double the price they paid for it.

Sometimes they hack accounts.

Now I'm not blaming RMT's for every hacked account out there, I honestly believe that most accounts that have been "hacked" is pure stupidity. People who gave their log in info to someone else, like an in game girlfriend or boyfriend.

What vitrual boyfriend/girlfriend would ever betray someone they have never met and will never meet anyway?

All that always happen to other people, I read about it every day, I read it and I smile, thinking to myself "You probably got what you deserved".

Today was different though, today it happen to me.

Well, not exactly me, but it happen to my wife.

I know that there's only me and her that have her account info, and obviously I wouldn't have to hack her account. So, her account got hacked.

This is what you usually read when you read someones account have been hacked.

"OMG my account got hacked, they stole everything and moved my character to another server"

Or something like that.

Now, this is what happen to my wife.

She logs in on Playonline.

Isa>> Zan, I cant log on to my character.
Zan>> Why? You get any error message?
Isa>> No...It's just not there anymore.
Isa>> Have you...deleted my characters?
Zan>> Wha...ofcourse not.

Well, you get my point, im not gonna go deeper in to that conversation. It had yelling in it, and more yelling.

The point is, whoever decided to hack her account, did not change the password, they did not steal all her stuff, they did not move her to another server.

What they did do was delete her main character, and her mule.

Now who would do that? Seriously...

Who the hell would go through all the trouble, (I assume hacking is troublesome, it involves codes and stuff) just to delete 2 characters?


I dont know!

Does it make sense to you?

RMT1>> Yeah, you know I hacked this account earlier. I'm like really good at that.
RMT2>> Oh nice, any good stuff to sell? Lots of gil and stuff on it?
RMT1>> I dunno, I never checked. I just deleted the characters.
RMT1>> Man, I'd like to see the face of the owner of that account when they try to log on.
RMT1>> See, they try to log in, but their character isn't there. It's hillarius!
RMT2>> I'm gonna tell our boss about you....

So anyway, my wife used another account and made a GM call. She explained the situation that her characters had been deleted by someone who wasnt her. She explained that she was not happy, she may or may not have threaten to hunt him down in real life.

15 minutes later she gets an email with a new password for playonline, she use it to log on to her account, and there they are.

Her characters! Right there, as if nothing ever happen. Nothing missing or anything, the characters where exactly where she left them.

It confuses the crap out of me.


Maybe ordering that secyrity token isn't such a bad idea after all....


Maybe it was Square Enix deleting her characters because she had'nt ordered a security token?

SEemployee>> Haha, now let me show you how much you need a security token.

torsdag 9 april 2009

The world has gone crazy.....again!

So, I'm reading on one of the FFXI forums again today. I've missed out on a few days, but you know, what can happen in a few days on a forum anyway? Not much.


I see a topic that I just have to investigate more, here's the name of that topic.

Sex for Gil. Viable business model?

What the.... For real?

So I open up the thread thinking this must be some kind of sick joke or something. Below is an actual quote from the post itself.

"I'm trying to develop a profitable business model that allows me to have sex for gil (or possibly Alexandrite). I've ran this by my girl and she's fine with it as long as I ain't a skank about it.

Does anyone have any experience in any form of prostitution on a national scale? I was thinking craigslist but I don't think I'll reach my target audience and I have absolutely no interest in getting *real* money and then buying gil. RMT is just bad, and I don't support it.

Also, does anyone think there may be any negative issues with the community for doing something like this? One of my fears is it will be viewed as RMT when there's actually no real money ever involved.

Any ideas regarding pricing, travel expenses, etiquette and protocol for conducting the transaction itself would be much appreciated. I'd also like to get some tips on minimizing costs, such as transferring my earnings to my own server. Though, I think I'll have to change to a less populated server because Odin's closed.


Ok, so far this can still be a joke, almost. If the OP later on says "Ha! Got you guys! Just kidding, I just wanted to hear the reaction you all got", maybe if it was posted on april 1st it could have passed as some sick april fools joke or something.


The OP keeps defending this, and for your information she makes it very clear that she doesnt mean some sort of cyber sex.

Another quote:

"I was thinking of something around 5-20 million for actual sex. Depending on the extent of the service. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do too much for less than 5 million.

The 20 million or more price tag would be if my girl was involved. I can be a pretty jealous person, but enough gil could make me forget about all of that.

I wonder if I could work out a gil per minute thing on the webcam."

Whats wrong with this person? For real? Isn't it bad enough that people do this for REAL money?

Whats next?

"Want to sell: Kidney.

I'm a bit low on gil atm, and there's a few things I really need in game. Especially now after the new gobbiebags have been released. So, I'm looking to sell my kidney, I'm thinking that 50 million gil is a reasonable price. I'm no drinker or anything so the kidney is just fine, my blood type is type O positive, I'm only 21 years old so its as good as new.

P.S I accept dynamis currency as payment. PM me for more info"


"Want to sell: Baby.

So its time for me to finally get my relic sword. Because I'm lazy and wont farm or start my own dyna ls I am now selling my baby. She's 8 months old, white. Call now and I'll throw in the baby clothes and a cradle."

Good god! I think I'm getting sick....

This thread went on for 12 pages.

Twelve pages!

Before some smart admin decided to close it.

Makes you think twice about having a baby? 20 years from now your daughter will be selling her REAL body for FICTIONARY money...

söndag 5 april 2009

Whats wrong with people?

Now a couple of times on one of my favourite FFXI forums I've seen posts about people that got hurt or died in real life.

I don't get it.

Who gave you the right to put this persons personal life out there on the internet? Someones personal medical state. This or that guy is in a coma because of this or that.


"Send PM to me about how you feel about this"


Is it just me?

about 99.99% of the people that reads this forum does not know this guy in real life, why share the personal stuff about him/her with them?

Maybe I'm weird, but if I got really ill and ended up in the hospital, I'd like my loved ones next to me, I would not want me personal medical condition to be discussed on a public forum. If I wanted to tell anyone in game about it, I would do so myself. Infact, I'd be rather pissed off if someone shared my personal stuff with a bunch of people I dont know and dont wanna know in real life.

Oh, you have no one close to you, no one to come visit you? It's ok, because a bunch of people on the internet is talking about you. Feel better now?

Didn't think so.

Got hit by an STD last saturday?

No worries, everyone in game knows about it.

Atleast now they know who not to have virtual sex with in game.

Is there something wrong with keeping the real life and the game separated? Or atleast leave it up the the person it concerns and their family to decide if it's something they wanna share with the whole world.