måndag 23 februari 2009

Game Ethics

Yeah I know, I've heard it before.

Who are you to tell me how to play my game!?

But honestly, some things should just be obvious. Atleast for anyone that has somewhat sense in their heads. Granted there isn't alot of people in this game that has any sense at all it seems.

If you decide to look for party, it usually means that you want to lv whichever job you are looking for party at. makes sense to me.

It also makes sense to me that when you put your party flag up, you are ready to go and party when you do get an invite.

This morning I made a party, since I was a Red Mage it made sense to me to start with looking for a tank. So I find this Paladin looking for party, ask him if he wanna join and he accept.

Note, he is the first of 5 people I invite. This is important and will make sense soon.

First when I have finally found people enough for a full party this paladin says he needs to go to sandy and put his gear on...

Because obviously the 20 min it took for me to get everyone else together, was not a good time for him to get dressed.

Maybe it was a her...Women are usually like that.

Man>> Honey, are you ready? We are already 20 minutes late.
Woman>> Just a sec, I have to get dressed, put on make-up, clean the kitchen, do the dishes and 50 other things.
Man>> But but, you have gotten dressed and been putting on make-up the for the past 3 hours...

So, well, anyway. He has to go to sandy and get dressed. This takes him (her?) about 20 minutes. By the time he gets back to whitegate, everyone else is already at camp waiting for him.

Shouldn't take him that long to get to camp though, would it?


Now he have to go to jeuno and recharge his empress band. Because obviously he couldn't do that while he was in sandy...

And while in jeuno, he decides he might as well browse through the auction house as well.

All this while 5 people are standing at camp waiting for him.

15 minutes later he is finally on his way back to whitegate. And while on his way to camp this is what he says.

Paladin>> Oh, btw guys, 1 hour from now I have to go AFK for about 45 minutes.

So in his opinion, we have already waited for him for like 45 min ad he isn't even at camp yet. Then he want us to actually stand around waiting for him for another 45 minutes shortly after he gets to camp.

Why did this guy even bother to look for party in the first place? Wouldn't it have been a bit smarter to first gear up his paladin, fix his empress band, browse through auction house, and then IF he has time, put his party flag up?

He finally shows up at camp, and we're getting very great exp. after about 10 monsters or so the exp rings already wore off. What happens then?

Paladin d/c...

Now, he might have a bad internet connection. And maybe it just happen to disconnect him right after we killed the monster that made our exp rings wear off.

I dont believe that though...

So this party I made, spent about 50 minutes waiting on this paladin, fought 10 monsters and then was forced to disband the party since there were no other tanks available.

This in my opinion goes against the unwritten laws of game ethics.

I'm not saying any names here.....Ajnix....


Now, I could go on about people that have to use the bathroom for 45 minutes during parties, or people that gets hit in the head with a sledge hammer and get extremely sleepy within 1 minute, so much that they didn't even see it coming and could ask the party leader to find a replacement for them.

(I'm sleepy) (Good bye.)


lördag 21 februari 2009

Linkshell Rules

Most linkshells have rules. It usually say "These rules have to be followed by everyone!"

Few linkshells I have ever seen apply them rules though.

Here is some of the rules from my social linkshell.

1. Be kind to each other. Self explanatory
First rule, and therefor the first rule to be broken. Even if everyone isn't treating each other as crap, no one is really putting an efford to actually beeing nice to each other either.

2. Respect each other No making fun of, putting down or singling out of any individual will be allowed.
Now here'a another good one. The thought behind this rule is good. Yet there are more then a few people in this linkshell that just love to put other people down because they dont have high enough jobs, not this or that gear, not this or that mission done, or just because the love to try and make other people feel bad for one reason or another.

3. No drama will be tolerated period. Zero tolerance policy. If a issue should ever present itself bring it directly to a leader in /tell format only.
Well, obviously by breaking the first 2 rules this is pretty much broken as well, isn't it?

4. Please make sure that we help each other out if possible, and make sure we keep our promises. This will help make this LS a better place and fun Linkshell for a long time!!!
What this rule really means is "If certain people in the linkshell ask for help, help them! If you are not one of the certain members, dont expect any help from anyone" Honetly, yes. One guy wanted help with KSNM for a rare/ex Katana, he had people lining up to help him. Another person wanted help with rare/ex H2H weapons, and not a single one offer to help. Yet another person (me) asked for a WHM to help with a BCNM, I ended up having to actually PAY a linkshell member 100.000 gil to help me.

5. Hopefully this wont happen but if you are put on probation or are terminated, in order to get back in, DV and if possible the rest of the council must vote you back in. No other person has that right but DV and the Council of BlueCarbies, Inc.
This rule is totally unnessesary, since no one is getting kicked for breaking the rules above, I doubt anyone will ever get kicked.

6. Lastly, have fun and just play the game, and remember this is JUST A GAME, not real life situations, if thats the case i want my armor and weapons so that i can buy me a new House in the Real World ^^
Ok, i get the "have fun" part, and the "just a game" part. The rest I have no idea about, and how can you even make a rule that says "Have fun!". You'll kick me because I'm not having fun?

All this just makes me wonder, why even bother to set up rules if you dont make sure that the they are beeing followed? Just because it looks better and more organized to have rules?

Or maybe, if someone should actually make sure the rules were followed, they'll lose the greater part of their members?

fredag 20 februari 2009

Some people amaze me

It's common knowledge that human nature is to make things as easy as possible for yourself. It's also human nature to never learn from your misstakes.

Just watch Simpsons or Family Guy and you'll know what I mean.

I never did realize though that's it human nature to wanna do everything twice, and then claim it's faster that way.

Ever heard of Astral Flow burn party?

I hadn't til yesterday when I read about it on one of the FFXI forums I visit every day.

This is basically how it works.

Gather together 4+ summoners 1 level sync target lv 15ish or whichever area you plan on doing this in. Have your lv 75 friend aggro the whole area and bring all them monsters to the waiting summoners. Have all the summoners use their 2 hour ability Astral Flow. Murder the monsters.

Now, I have never tried this myself, but from what I read they get up to 40.000 exp each from doing this. That's 40.000 exp in 5 min.

Kick the level sync target and find another one at lv 15. Pay a corsair to reset your 2 hour ability, or if Besieged is going on warp there and use Revitalizer.




Repeat..................zzz X.x

Yes, it's true. People do this. No, it's not a violation of ToS. Yes, some people get a job to lv 75 in 2-3 days doing this all the time.

They're awesome!

I envy them, I really do.


Did any of these people ever even think about how long it will take them to skill up their magic/weapon or what ever?

SuperGimpedGuy>> Yay! I lv to lv 75 in 3 days!
SuperGimpedGuy2>> I know! We are so awesome! Now let's spend 2 months skilling up our gimped skills!

Honestly, is it really worth it? I know I have argued against level sync before. But you know, a guy that have spent lv 20-75 in Qufim with a PL all the time would count as an Elitist compared to these guys.

Some people probably think I'm jealuos.

I'm not.

If I wanted to do this, I would have done this. I'm not doing this.

I won't...ever.

I honestly coudn't care less about how peopl get their jobs to 75 or how fast they do it, or how many jobs they have at 75 for that matter. Things like level sync, campaign battle and now AF burn have taken away every single bit of achievement there ever was to having x 75 jobs.

Oh, you have all the jobs there is at lv 75?

Not impressed.

That doesnt say crap about how well you can actually play them. For all I know, you have never been outside Valkurm Dunes.

Would I want you to be in the same end game ls as me? Not really.

fredag 13 februari 2009

Elitist wannabe

I've seen this over and over during the years I've played this game, and it annoys the crap out of me.

Guy gets his first job to 75. This means that he is the only person in the game that have achieved something great like that, and because of this he knows everything there is to know about the game and all the jobs.

He's just that awsome, isn't he?


Not really.

And the things he does in order to make himself feel even better. Put other people down.

Isn't that great? Isn't that what this game is all about?

I'm all that and you're nothing but garbage.

Lately I've seen things like this in the linkshell I'm in, a linkshell where people are supposed to be helpful and supportive to each other.

Guy>> Yay! I finally got my Opo-opo Crown!
WannabeElitst>> ...It's totally useless...
Guy>> :(

What's the point in doing something like that? Maybe it's not the best gear in the game, but that's not the point here. The point is that it's a reward from a somewhat long and annoying quest. This guy probably spent a week doing this quest, and he was happy to finally get it done. To him it was an achievement. To him it felt good to be able to say "Hey, I did this quest, and I got this item as a reward", until the totally uncalled for comment "...It's totally useless..."

Guy>> I've been saving up for Sha'ir Manteel, I only need 1 more million.
WannabeElitist>> It's useless, it doesnt take that long to sing a song anyway.

Now here is where I had enough, and decided to put my 2 cents in. for those who don't know, Sha'ir Manteel is every bards dream. And I have bard at 75.

Zan>> Do you have bard at 75?
WannabeElitist>> No...But I've been in parties with bards.
Zan>> Go and level bard to 75 and then tell me it's useless.
WannabeElitist>> I don't have to, because I'm just that awsome. I have Red mage 75, I know everything.
Zan>> You think maybe there's a reason why 90% of all bards at 75 have either Sha'ir Mateel or Yigit Gomlek?

At this point "WannabeElitist" stopped responding.

But really. What does he base the opinion on, that this or that gear is useless for a job that he haven't even level himself? Or is he just afraid that when this Guy finally get the Sha'ir Manteeel, he is gonna look more elitist than the WannabeElitist himself?

Are you a WannabeElitist?

Guess what.

I'm not impressed by you, at all.

I'm not.

tisdag 10 februari 2009

Mission Impossible

A couple of days ago I figured that I should probably work on some of the missions in game. I've done all the rank missions in windy and all but the last one in sandy. There's an actual reason behind why I only have 1 mission to go in sandy.

Don't ask about that.

I made up my mind to be constructive for once. What do I need? Sandy 9-2? Forget that. Don't ask why. Bastok missions 1-10? I don't think so, I hate Bastok. It's probably the place in game where I've spend the least amount of time at. I'm even trying to avoid Dynamis-Bastok. I hate it.

I'm pretty much done with the Zilart mission. Maybe Chains of Promathia?

Yeah right.

I know I need it, and that I should do them. But seriously. I've been trying to get them going for a long time now. For some reason the groups I get together is always totally useless. It's usuallt something like this.

Zan>> Everyone remember to bring this superimportant item that we all are going to need to be able to finish the mission tomorrow. Ok?
Guy1>> What was that again?
Zan>> You know, that superimportnant thing that is right there at the auction house, the one that is so easy to get.
Guy2>> Oh, that one. Sure np.
Zan>> So everyone please bring it, ok?
Guy1>> Sure, I'll go and get one right away.

The following day. After we have done several hard stuff to get where we are supposed to be, with people dying everywhere along the way because they don't listen to what you tell them. When you finally arrive to where you are going to fight this big bad monster that everyone has to have this superimportant item in order to win the fight.

This happens.

Zan>> Ok, everyone know what to do, and everyone have their superimportant items ready?
Guy1>> Umm... I forgot mine.
Guy2>> I was gonna get one, but then my dog died so i forgot.
Guy3>> All of us needed the superimportant item?
Guy4>> I thought it was enough that you had one.
Zan>> Sigh...

After considering this and checking up on different missions I decided that the Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission would be the easier ones. Lots of cutscenes.


Except for the mission I was on was a fight. Can't be that bad though can it?


Everyone I talked to said it was a horrible fight, and for some reason everyone I knew had done the fight and was able to help was extremely "busy". So I ended up shouting for help.

4.5 hours later I had finally got together a party of 6 people to do this fight.

3 minutes and 28 sec later the fight was over.

Yeah, it was that hard...

I can't believe that you have to shout for help for over 4 hours for something that takes less than 5 min to do. Are people just that lazy? Or just beeing unwilling to help in general?

I hate missions...

onsdag 4 februari 2009


Everyone complains about RMT's. Even the Gilbuyers themselves.

RMT's extists for one reason alone. Take a guess.

If you guessed: So they can screw up everyone elses game. You're wrong.

They exist because you buy gil.


And there's alot of people who buys gil. Alot. See all the ads about buying gil/selling accounts on every FFXI related website/forum? You think they are free? Do you think there would exist a million different sites where you can buy gil/accounts if no one ever bought any?

Maybe if you stop buy gil they'll eventually go away?

This subject makes me so tired.

Don't buy gil. Just don't

tisdag 3 februari 2009

Virtual hospital

In every other party I'm in there's people complaining over different aches they've got. Comparing pain medicins with each other.

Is it doctors recommendation?

Patient>> I don't know what I have done, but my back hurts like hell.
Doctor>> Here, take these strong pain killers.
Patient>> Is there anything else I should think of?
Doctor>> well...there is a method that seems to work. But it's not approved yet...
Patient>> Please doctor, tell me. Anything to make the pain go away.
Doctor>> Playing Final Fantasy XI seems like a miracle cure for pain.
Patient>> Really? Ok!

This doctor by the way was hired by Square Enix.

Or, maybe it's like this. People spend way too much time sitting in front of their computer playing FFXI. And thats where they get their pain from. Then they get pills from the doctor, and they're unable to work because of the pain/pills, which gives them more time to just sit in front of their computer.


I don't know. And I don't care. Just spare me the talk about your physical condition. I'm not intrested.

Not. Intrested.

I'm sure there is 1 or 2 doctors playing this game as well.

I'm not one of them.

I couldn't care less about your pain and what medicines you are on. We're not friends, just because we are in one party together doesn't make us best friends.

måndag 2 februari 2009

Y u do dat?

Here's one thing that annoys me with the people that plays this game.

People can't write. I know it's a stupid thing to get annoyed at, but seriously.

Player1>> y u do dat?
Player2>> wut?
Player1>> u took my NM y?
Player2>> lawl

Just some examples that comes to my mind. It's not cool, it's not cute.


It makes you look like a 9 year old kid with spelling issues.

Most gamers I know of don't want to play with kids. If you're not a kid but give the impression that you are. We don't wan't to play with you.

I get the abbreviations part. They make sense. BRB, AFK, lol, lawl...


Maybe I'm just old or something, what the heck is lawl an abbreviation for?

Long Annoying Weird Loser?

I understand that lots of people in game don't have english as their main language. I don't have english as my main language, but I'm sure as hell know how to spell "you". And I'm not in such a hurry that I can't spend an extra 0.5 seconds and type 2 extra letters and not make myself look like an idiot.

Job application.

Dear vice president of this huge bank.

Can I has job as boss at ur bank? plz? I needz teh monez, and i r very gud.

Think he'll get the job?

He'll probably won't even be allowed to open an account at that bank.