tisdag 10 februari 2009

Mission Impossible

A couple of days ago I figured that I should probably work on some of the missions in game. I've done all the rank missions in windy and all but the last one in sandy. There's an actual reason behind why I only have 1 mission to go in sandy.

Don't ask about that.

I made up my mind to be constructive for once. What do I need? Sandy 9-2? Forget that. Don't ask why. Bastok missions 1-10? I don't think so, I hate Bastok. It's probably the place in game where I've spend the least amount of time at. I'm even trying to avoid Dynamis-Bastok. I hate it.

I'm pretty much done with the Zilart mission. Maybe Chains of Promathia?

Yeah right.

I know I need it, and that I should do them. But seriously. I've been trying to get them going for a long time now. For some reason the groups I get together is always totally useless. It's usuallt something like this.

Zan>> Everyone remember to bring this superimportant item that we all are going to need to be able to finish the mission tomorrow. Ok?
Guy1>> What was that again?
Zan>> You know, that superimportnant thing that is right there at the auction house, the one that is so easy to get.
Guy2>> Oh, that one. Sure np.
Zan>> So everyone please bring it, ok?
Guy1>> Sure, I'll go and get one right away.

The following day. After we have done several hard stuff to get where we are supposed to be, with people dying everywhere along the way because they don't listen to what you tell them. When you finally arrive to where you are going to fight this big bad monster that everyone has to have this superimportant item in order to win the fight.

This happens.

Zan>> Ok, everyone know what to do, and everyone have their superimportant items ready?
Guy1>> Umm... I forgot mine.
Guy2>> I was gonna get one, but then my dog died so i forgot.
Guy3>> All of us needed the superimportant item?
Guy4>> I thought it was enough that you had one.
Zan>> Sigh...

After considering this and checking up on different missions I decided that the Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission would be the easier ones. Lots of cutscenes.


Except for the mission I was on was a fight. Can't be that bad though can it?


Everyone I talked to said it was a horrible fight, and for some reason everyone I knew had done the fight and was able to help was extremely "busy". So I ended up shouting for help.

4.5 hours later I had finally got together a party of 6 people to do this fight.

3 minutes and 28 sec later the fight was over.

Yeah, it was that hard...

I can't believe that you have to shout for help for over 4 hours for something that takes less than 5 min to do. Are people just that lazy? Or just beeing unwilling to help in general?

I hate missions...

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